While we are strongly supported by EBL hardware vendors, MAEBL’s longstanding policy limits attendance to only their users and tool owners, allowing for open, intimate conversation across platforms. As such, the MAEBL community continues to kindly request that EBL hardware vendors (and their affiliated vendors, third-party distributors and consultants) refrain from registering as attendees. It is understood that there are larger conferences with more generous schedules and bigger budgets that allow for vendor engagement through formal exhibition.
MAEBL will only allow its organizers and the informational participation of EBL supply chain and select software vendors to the meetings at the discretion of the MAEBL Board of Directors. Vendors who are allowed to attend and participate must sponsor MAEBL and register each attendee at the regular registration rate.
When MAEBL first began, we differentiated ourselves from sister conferences in the field. Part of this was recognizing the need for practical EBL information dissemination to the community with regards to foundational knowledge, common challenges and best practices. The second was understanding the maximized time EBL hardware vendors and affiliated vendors are afforded at sister conferences; MAEBL decidedly flipped this on its head. The time dedicated at MAEBL is for community connection devoid of conference formality and vendor exhibition.